Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.3, No.6 (1999) – Traffic Flow and Assignment

Title Author(s) page
(1) New Progression Schemes for Arterial Traffic Signal Hyunmyung KIM and Yongtaek LIM 1
(2) on the Effectiveness of Various Signal-controlled policies for Equilibrium Traffic Signal Settings S.C.WONG, Hai YANG, C.O.TONG and S.N NG 13
(3) Simulation Analysis of Bus Priority System in Kamakura City Kunihiro SAKAMOTO, Hisashi KUBOTA and youji TAKAHASHI 23
(4) Dynamic Origin-Destination (O-D) Matrices Estimation from Real-Time Traffic Count Information Ofyar Z TAMIN, Hedi HIDAYAT and Ade SJAFRUDDIN 37
(5) Modeling of the Influence to Driver’s Route choice Behavior by Accuracy of Travel Time Information Keiichi OGAWA and Shunsuke TANAKA 53
(6) Multi-Step Ahead Predicition of Link Travel Time Using Kalman Filter Young-Ihn LEE and Chan Young CHOI 67
(7) Peak Hour Volume Signal Wanant by Delay Models for T Intersecrions Cheol OH and Myungsoon CHANG 79
(8) Analysis of the Relationship of Major Air pollutant Emission lrvels and Road Traffic Flow in Metro Manila Karl VERGEI. Tetsuo YAI, Tersuo SHIMIZU and Katsuya IDEHARA 89
(9) Traffic Performance Modeling for Intersections on Interurban and rownship Roads Karl BANG and Gao HAI-LONG 101
(10) Queue trngth Prediction for Mixed Traffic Sigit PRIYANTO 115
(11) Traffic Delay at a Freeway Work Zone Ruey-long CHEU and Tien Fang FWA 125
(12) Determination of Allowable Private Vehicle Flows Considering Classification of OD Trip in Earthquake Disaster Yuzo MASUYA, Mitsuhiro SHITAMURA, Koji URATA, Tohru TAMURA and Kazuo SAITO 139
(13) Road Blockage in an Area Affected by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and Influence of Blockage on Traffic Flow-The study area: Eastern pari of Higashinada-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo prefecture, Japan Michiyasu ODANI and Kuniaki URANAKA 151
(14) Experimental Analysis and Modeling of Route choice with the Revealed and Stated Preference Data Tsan-Huang HUANG and Wu-Cheng CHEN 165
(15) Microscopic Simulation of the Day+o-Day Route Choice and Control Interaction Harun Al-Rasyid S. LUBIS, Willy TUMEWU, Titi LILIANI and Hedi HIDAYAT 179
(16) Traffic Equilibrium Problems with Environmental Concerns Yafeng YIN and HuaPu LU 195
(17) Modeling Traffic Flows and Traffic Performance in Dense Networks Michael AnthonY Peter TAYLOR 207
(L8) Experiences with the Dynamic User-optimal Route choice Model for chungli city Huey-Kuo CHEN, Mei-Shiang CHANG and Chung-Y LEE 223
(19) Comparisons of Yen’s and a Modified Generalized Floyd K-Shortest-Path Algorithms Heuy-Kuo CHEN and Cheng-Y CHOU 233
(20) Solving the Interaction between Signal Control and Traffic Assignment:Global, l,ocal and Iterative Searches Chungwon LEE 247
(21) The Proposal of Fttzzy Traffic Assignment Models Takamasa AIOYAIVL{ and Tomoko NOMURA 263
(22) ADynamic Traffic Assignment Model Using the ‘ . Cell Transmission Seungjae LEE, Juyoung KIM, Euiyoung SHON and Sinhae LEE 279
(23) Hybrid Algorithm for Dynamic User-Optimal Route Choice Huey-Kuo CHEN and Shu-Yurn HSIAO 295
(24) Bottleneck Traffic Congestion under Altemative Work Schedules lawrence W. tAN and Tien-TsYh CHEN 311
(25) Bottleneck Traffic Congestion under Alternative Work Schedules with Various Step-Toll Schemes Lawrence W. t-AN and Tien-Tsyh CHEN 327
(26) Simulation of Toll Collection System in Surabaya-Gempol Tollway Kardi TEKNOMO and Gloria GERILTA 343
(27) A Study on Characteristics and Transportation Management Policies of On-Street-Parking in C.B.D. Tetsuro HYODO and Yoji TAKAHASHI 357
(28) A Case Study on Sun-Yat-Sen Freeway On-Ramp Control Using Fuzzy Theory Hsiang-Chen LIN 367