Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.3, No.2 (1999) – Air, Water and Land Transportation

Title Author(s) page
(1) characteristics of l-ong Distance commuter by shinkansen from outskirts of the MetroPolitan Area in Japan Toru KAWASAKI, Naojiro AOSHIMA, Toshiki SAITO’ Toshihiro SUZUKI 1
(2) Synchronizing Corporate and Government Budgeting Problem in Railway Infrastructure Management Agus Salim RIDWAN and Sri HARTINI 9
(3) Safety Control Techniques Conceming.the Speed Raising on Trunk Lines of Chinese Railway Xishi WANG and Yong ZHANG 19
(4) Research on Parameters of Mechanical Model for Track Structure of High Speed Railway XiaoYan LEI and Zhang SUN 29
(5) The Intelligent Transportation Management Information System of Railway in China Ping HUANG and Zhongyi ZHANG 39
(6) Commuter Demand Concentration Model Based on a Time-Space Network Scheme 49 Hitoshi IEDA, t€ Binh PHAN, Kazuyuki TSUCHIYA, Toshiyuki OKUMURA and Ian Celebrado ESPADA 49
(7) Validation of an Expert System for New Construction and Retrofit of Bridge Rails Prakit PREMTHAMKORN and Pannapa HERABAT 63
(8) Stochastic Transit Assignment with Elastic Demand William H.LI.A,M, Jing ZHOU and Hai YANG 75
(9) A Study on Passenger Demand Trend of Inter-City Maglev Train by Different location of the Terminal Masai MUTO and Hisao UCHIYAMA 89
(10) Intemational Comparison of the Distribution Channel l,evels Kyungwoo KANG and Sunduck SUH 101
(11) An Eastem Asian Port Choice Model of Intemational Container Cargo Flows in Asian and Pacific Region Naoyuki MIYAMAE, Shin-ichi ISHII, Mitsunari HIRASAWA and Keiji INOUE 113
(12) Influence of Port Management Policy on the Behavior of Container Liner Ship Company and Shippers Katsuhiro KURODA, Mikio TAKEBAYASHI, Toshiaki TSUJI and Masahiro MUTO 127
(13) Efficiency Measurement of Container Terminal Operations: An Analytical Framework Dong-Wook SONG and Kevin CULUNANE 139
(14) The Introduction Effect of High-Density Integrated Stockyard into a Port Satoshi TOI and Toshiaki OHAIA 155
(15) The Determinants of the lrngth of Container Ships Mooring Time of Ports Keelung and Taichung Kee-Kuo CHEN and Ching-Term HUANG 167
(16) Vehicle Generation Model at an Airport Rusmadi SUYLITI 183
(17) Modeling Airline Competition with Alliances as Cooperative Games Feng-Yeu SIIYR and Yi-Li KO 193
(18) Behavior Analysis of Air Canier under the Passengers’Equilibrium Flow in Asian-Pacific Aviation Network IGtsuhiko KURODA, Mikio TAIGBAYASHI, Kazuto HIRAI and Hidehiko SUATKI 209
(19) Evaluation and Comparison of Contactless Card Systems in Seoul and Pusan Jongho RHEE, Yong Eun SHIN and Seunghwoon OH 225
(20) Can Urban Transportation Cope? -Transportation Gap Modeling for Asian Cities: The Case of Metro Manila- Cresencio MONIALBO Jr and Haruo ISHIDA 239
(21) Modeling Dynamic Scheduling of Public Transport System under Stochastic Behavior laurencia EVILYN and Sutanto SOEHODHO 255
(22) Evaluation of Public Transport Tariff Policy in the Basis of Possible Optimal Regulation or Natural Monopoly Sutanto SOEHODHO 271
(23) The Application of Multi Criteria Analysis in Assessing the Mass Transit System Proposals for Jakarta Rudy HERMAWAN 287
(24) Intercity Bus Passenger Behavior: Boarding Place and Access Mode Choice Model – A Case Study of Probolinggo City – Achmad WICAKSONO, Noboru HARATA and Kasutoshi OHTA 303
(25) Integrated Optimization Models for the Feeder/Transfer Systems in a Linear Hub-and-Spoke Inter-city Bus Network Lawreoce W. LA,N and Yu-Chiun CHIOU 317
(26) Access Mode Combinations for Intercity Transportation Terminals in a Metropolitan Area Chaug-Ing [I.SU ard Shwu-Ping GUO 333
(27) Developing City Bus Service Quality Dimensions – Taipei as an Example William JEN and Kai-Chieh HU 349
(28) Exploring the Provision of Express Bus Service in Metro Manila Alexis M.FILLONE, and Atsushi FUKUDA 365
(29) Bus l^ane Capacity – A Revised Approach Tien-Pen HSU and Chia-Tung LU 381
(30) Bus Routing Schemes for a Distant Demand Seung-Young KHO and Chang-Ho PARK 395
(31) Pedestrian’s Behavioral Model for Traffic Safety with the Effects of the Establishing Objects in a local Street Guoquan LI, Tomonori SUMI and Eizi INOUE 405