Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.4, No.3 (2001) – Behavioral Analysis and Traffic Models

Title Author(s) page
(1) A Study on Estimation Method of OD Thble by Traffic Counr Dara and On-Street Questionnaire Survey Tetsuro HYODO, Yoji TAKAIIASHI and Takehiko TSUBOI 1
(2) Estimation of Economic Data for Travel Demand Forecasting Based on Physical Information KAZUAKi MIYAMOTO, TAKAShi UCHIDA, YUNiKA NISHIMURA ANd KCiiChi KrIAZUME 11
(3) A Mode Choice Model Separating Taste Variation and Stated Preference Reporting Bias Junyi ZHANG, Yoriyasu SUGIE and Akimasa FUJIWARA 23
(4) Investigation of Route Choice in Response to Variable Message Signs PeteTHIDAS and Emad AWADAI.LA 39
(5) A Route-Choice Model Considering Topological Aspects of a Road Network Yasuo ASAKURA, Toshimichi YAMAUCHI, Eti HAIO and Masuo KASHIWADANI 55
(6) Commuter Behavior Forecasting under the Optimal Single-and Multi-Step Toll Schemes Chen-Hsiu LAIH 69
(7) Drivers’ En Route Handling of Travel Plans Johan KULLENBERG, YASUNOTi MUROMACHI, NObOru HARATA ANd KAtSUtOShi O}If,A 83
(8) Analysis on User’s Perception of Travel Time saving Benefit using Activity Based Approach Irwan PRASETYCi, Sningo faUURA, Tetsuo YAI and Tetsuo SHIMIZU 99
(9) The Influence of Parking Charge Differentiation on the Parking Location’Choice in the City Centre of Yogyakarta Olly NOROJONO 115
(10)Dynamic Travel Demand Models Based on l,ongitudinal Person-Trip Data Yoriyasu SUGIE, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA 129
(11)Annual Average Daily Traffic Forecasts in Hong Kong Yuen-fan TANG and William H.K. LAM 145
(12)An Integrated Model for Urban Network Dynamic O-D Estimation Dong Sun KIM 159
(13)Demand Rate and Elasticity of the Urban Taxi Service Based on the Stated Preference Data Ade SJAFRUDDIN, Pamudji WIDODO and Titi KURNIATI 177
(14)study on Trip Generation and Attraction Models of rravel Demand Forecasting Based on the Structure of Time Distribution Yuho KUBO, Thkeshi CHISHAKI, yoshitaka KAJITA and Tomonori KOHARA 191
(15)Assessment of Traffic Impact of Port Development projects (The Case of Port of Manila) Jane R. ROMERO and Ricardo G. SIGUA 207
(16)Inter-Urban Origin and Destination Matrix Estimation Using Automatically Obtained AADT Traffic Count Data Seungiae [,8E, Hunju LEE, Hyunho CHANG and Injoon CHOI 221
(17)Effectiveness of En-Route Traffic Information Service for Various Network Structure and Congestion Level Joong Rae CHO, Young Tae SON and young Suk HONG 233
(18)Multi-Class Daily Assignment Model for Traffic Information Srrategy Yongtaek LIM and Seungkirl BAEK 247
(19)Development of a Path-Based rrip Assignment Model Under Toll Imposition Yong Seok KWON, Sung Mo RHEE, Chang Ho pARK and Kyung Soo CHON 259
(20)Toll Diversion Rates for Proposed Chinese Toll Highways Toshikazu SHIMAZAKI and Yasuhiro KAWABATA 273
(21)Sightseeing Travel Demand and Economic Impacts of Tourism Shoshi MIZOKAMI and RyujiKAKIMOTO 287
(22)A Modal Split Model for Inter-Regional Travellers on Holidays with the Consideration of Intangible Factors Munenori SHIBATA, Masai MUTO and Hisao UCHIYAMA 301
(23)Application of Neural Network Model to Analyzing Sightseeing Travel Behavior Keiichi SASAKI, Tohru TAMURA, yuzo MASUyA and Mitsuhiro SHITAMURA 315