Publicaiton of Proceedings of EASTS, Vol.13

Dear EASTS members, On behalf of the International Scientific Committee (ISC) of EASTS, I am very pleased to inform you that the Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.13 are published and available online. With more than 200 contributions, these conference proceedings capture the state-of-art science and technology present in transport today and highlight […]

The 14th EASTS International Conference in Hiroshima will be held online

Dear all, Thank you very much for many registrations to the 14th EASTS International Conference in Hiroshima. So far, we have received more than 500 registrations. The EASTS conference will be held from September 12 as scheduled. However, due to the extension of the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration in Japan, it will be changed to the […]


This is an announcement of call for papers: A virtual special issue in Asian Transport Studies (ATS). You are respectfully invited to submit your achievements to this special issue. Its details are available below. —————————————– “COVID-19 AND ITS IMPACT ON TRANSPORT IN ASIAN COUNTRIES” ( GUEST EDITORS: Dr. Bhargab Maitra, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, […]

EASTS2021 – Registration Open

We are happy to announce that registration for the 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) is now open. Please visit for more information and link to the registration page. EASTS2021 will be held as an onsite-online hybrid conference from 12-15 September 2021. You can also confirm the latest COVID-19 […]

Announcement of the EASTS financial support for paper presenters at the EASTS 2021 Conference

Dear EASTS members,   The website for the EASTS financial support for paper presenters at the EASTS 2021 Conference has been opened at The deadline of application is July 19th, 2021 (17:00 Japan Standard Time). Detail eligibility of candidates and selection criteria are shown in the website. Since EASTS2021 will be held as an […]

Update on the 2nd EASTS Early Career Researcher (Virtual) Forum, 10-11 September 2021

Warm greetings from the EASTS ECR Forum Organising Committee! We would like to ask for your kind assistance in publishing the following Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) on the EASTS website and the local EASTS 2021 conference website. Here is the message:   The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) conference brings together professionals, early career […]

Call For Papers: Special Issue of ATS – Mobility on Demand in Asia

An International Research Group of “Challenges of Mobile Ride-Hailing Applications in Asian Countries: Their Impacts on Local Transportation Market” in Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) is organizing a virtual special issue entitled “Mobility on Demand in Asia” on a journal of Asian Transport Studies (ATS). Scope of Special Issue: The widespread adoption of […]

Deadline extension for EASTS2021 submission (March 15th)

Dear EASTS members, Due to numerous requests for the extension of EASTS2021 paper submission deadline, the deadline for reviewed paper submission has been further extended to March 15. The 3rd Call-for-Papers, paper template and copyright transfer agreement are online available at the EASTS ISC Website as well as the EM paper submission system website. […]