Announcement of TLOG 2018 conference (7th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics)

Dear EASTS members, This is an announcement of TLOG 2018 conference (7th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics). Date: September 8-10, 2018 Place: Dalian, China Conference theme: Regional Coordination & Cooperation in Transportation Logistics, and the Belt & Road Initiative Host organizer: Professor Qiang Meng, National University of Singapore, Singapore Professor Haibo Kuang, Dalian Maritime […]

Announcing the launch of EASTS’s new website.

Thank you for using EASTS’s website. We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website on March 5, 2018. As a result of the site renewal, some pages’ URLs will be also changed. We recommend you update your Bookmarks accordingly. We will continue to strive to enrich and improve the contents of our […]

Proceedings of the EASTS, Vol. 11 has been available online!

Dear EASTS members, We appreciate your kind support and enthusiasm for the EASTS 2017 Conference. The conference would not have been successful without you. It is our pleasure to inform you the publication of proceedings of EASTS 2017. See the following site: About the journal of EASTS_2017, we are making final proof to publish and it will be published in December. Best regards, Jaehak Oh, Chair of EASTS_ISC Young-in Kwon, Paper Management Chief of EASTS_ISC

Call for Entries for Financial Beneficiaries

Dear EASTS Members, (25 May 2017) We are calling for entries for Financial Support for a presenter who submits a paper to “Reviewed Paper ” track at the EASTS 2017 Conference. Please confirm the detailed information including the eligibility, selection procedure and covered costs at “Financial Support Policy” page: If you want to apply […]