EASTS’ Financial Support Scheme for ATS
EASTS will financially support the Article Publishing Charge (APC) of an article published in the Asian Transport Studies (ATS) if the article meets one of the following conditions:
- More than half of the article’s authors are official members of one of EASTS’s Domestic Societies (DSs) in eligible countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam) when submitting their article to ATS. The authors may be official members of different DSs, provided their DSs belong to the eligible countries.
- More than half of the article’s authors are official members of one of the EASTS DSs participating in on-going International Research Groups (IRGs) of EASTS when submitting their article to ATS. The authors may be official members of DSs belonging to eligible or non-eligible countries.
- Articles are published in a Special Issue of ATS organized by an IRG which is a recipient of the International Cooperative Research Activity (ICRA) grant.
- The descriptions of publication charges in ATS are available at Section 6 in the Guide for Authors.
- The latest scheme has been enforced from November 10, 2024. The list of eligible countries is usually updated every two years.
- An author who plans to be an official member of a DS or has been applying for official membership of a DS does not qualify.
The corresponding author should contact the secretary of EASTS (msp@easts.info) to confirm that the article’s authors qualify for APC support before article submission. If you have any questions about the above qualification, send an inquiry to the secretary of EASTS.