EASTS provides two types of awards. The Best Paper Awards are given to duly-submitted original papers which are written clearly, easily, and suitably and are expected to provide significant contribution either academically or practically. The Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize is granted to the best paper of the Best Papers.

OCDI (The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan) provides OCDI Takeuchi Yoshio Special Awards for Logistics Research, which aims to encourage research in the practical field of logistics and to commemorate the contribution to the logistics field by Dr. Yoshio Takeuchi, a founder of the OCDI.

JTTRI (The Japan Transport and Tourism Research Institute) provides the JTTRI Special Award for excellent research on public transport and active mobility. This award was established in 2019 to support studies on such fields in Asia and encourage EASTS research activities. JTTRI is an independent non-profit organization, founded in 1968, engaging in comprehensive research on transport and tourism to develop policy recommendations for our future.

For detail of procedure, evaluation criteria or Awarding Sub-commitee, see International Scientific Committee (ISC).

 BEST PAPERS AT THE CONFERENCE IN 2021 (Hiroshima, Japan)[Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize] (Best of Best Paper Awards)

“Impact of Transport Network Disruption on Travel Demand:A Case Study of July 2018 Heavy Rain Disaster, Japan”
by Nur Diana SAFITRI, Makoto CHIKARAISHI (Hiroshima University, Japan)[Best Paper Awards]

– For Enlightening Asia-specific Topics

“Tourists’ Perception and their Preference Heterogeneity towards Pedestrian Infrastructure and Facilities at Tourist Destinations in India”
by Priyanka Das, Swati Maitra (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India)

– For Discovering Interesting Facts

“Empirical Models of Consumer and Merchant Behavior in the Two-Sided Market of Local Currency”
by Taisei YOSHIOKA, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Akimasa FUJIWARA (Hiroshima University, Japan)

– For Technological Innovation

“Development of a Method for Estimating Road Surface Condition in Winter Using Random Forest”
by Yoshiaki TAKASAKI, Miguel SALDANA, Jun ITO, Kazushi SANO (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan)

– For Institutional Innovation

“An Empirical Study of Taxi Crashes in Singapore”
by Liujiang Kang, Qiang Meng (Beijing Jiaotong University, China, National University of Singapore, Singapore)

– For Theoretical Development

No candidate

– For Methodological Development

“Skid Resistance Evaluation of Pervious Pavement Mixtures using XRCT-based Modelling”
by Ajayshankar JAGADEESH, Ghim Ping ONG (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

“Travel Time Prediction on Links with and without Point Detectors on Urban Roads”
by Ang LI, William H. K. LAM, Mei Lam TAM, Ren Xin ZHONG, Wei MA (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Sun Yat-sen University, China)

– For Best Application in Practices

“Exploring Hourly Travel Demand Patterns under Various Land Uses: Cellular Data Application”
by Yu-Chiun CHIOU, Barbara T.H. Yen, Yi-Yun YU (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)

– For Difficult Research Accumulations
“Estimation of Transportation Energy Demand of the Philippines”
by Karl B. N. VERGEL, Kelvin R. S. MARCELO, Arse J. P. SALISON, Felix N. M. ELAMPARO, Valerie A. L. SAAVEDRA, Kathrina P. VILLEDO, Nonalu S. A. ABAO, Abby O. GONZALES, Jose R. F. REGIDOR, Ernesto B. ABAYA
 (University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines)

[OCDI Takeuchi Yoshio Special Award for Logistics Research]

“Shipper’s Port Choice Behavior in South Viet Nam: Discrete Choice Approach”
by Tam Thi-Anh TRAN, Mikio TAKEBAYASHI
 (University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Kobe University, Japan)

[JTTRI Special Award]

“A proposal of envelope theorem on the interaction between pedestrians and mobilities on urban roads”
by Lubing ZOU, Tetsuo YAI (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

 BEST PAPERS AT THE CONFERENCE IN 2019 (Colombo, Sri Lanka)[Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize] (Best of Best Paper Awards)

“Modeling Joint Activity Travel Patterns in Pedestrian Networks with Possibility of Using Wi Fi Data”
by Khoa Dang VO, Kun QIAN, William H.K. LAM and Agachai SUMALEE (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)[Best Paper Awards]

– For Enlightening Asia-specific Topics

“Use of Social and Economic Factors for Ranking Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Projects”
by Sarala GUNATHILAKA, Niranga AMARASINGHA (Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Sri Lanka)


“Impact of Ride hailing Apps on Traditional LAMAT Services in Asian developing Cities: The Phnom Penh Case”
by Veng Kheang PHUN, Pharinet PHENG, Reiko MASUI, Hironori KATO and Tetsuo YAI (Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Cambodia; Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and The University of Tokyo, Japan)

– For Discovering Interesting Facts

No candidate

– For Technological Innovation

No candidate

– For Institutional Innovation

No candidate

– For Theoretical Development

No candidate

– For Methodological Development

“Semi-dynamic Markovian path flow estimator considering the inconsistencies of traffic counts”
by Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO, Atsushi KONDO (University of Miyazaki, Japan and NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD, Japan)

– For Best Application in Practices

“Evaluation of Walking Environment around Urban Railway Stations in Bangkok and Consideration of Improvement Plan”
by Hironori OZAWA, Atsushi FUKUDA, Sathita MALAITHAM, Varameth VICHIENSAN, Paramet LUATHEP, Hiroto NUMA (Nihon University, Japan; PSK Consultant co., Itd., Thailand; Kasetsart University, Thailand and Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)

– For Difficult Research Accumulations
“A Comprehensive Study on Identification of Risk Factors for Fatal Pedestrian Crashes at Urban Intersections in a Developing Country”
by Dipanjan MUKHERJEE and Sudeshna MITRA (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India)

[OCDI Takeuchi Yoshio Special Award for Logistics Research]

“Capacity Analysis of Ship Tugging Operations in A Large Container Port”
by Liujiang Kang, Song Gao, Qiang Meng (National University of Singapore, Singapore and Wuhan University of Technology, China)

[JTTRI Special Award]

“Redesigning the Interiors of Public Buses in Dhaka City: Exploring the Gender based Perceptions and Preferences”
by Sharmin SULTANA, Khadija Bint Abdur ROUF, Sakib Sarwar, AHMED, Moinul HOSSAIN, Dewan Mahboob HOSSAIN (World University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh; Qatar University, Qatar; Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Islamic University of Technology and University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)

 BEST PAPERS AT THE CONFERENCE IN 2017 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)[Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize] (Best of Best Paper Awards)

“Dynamics of vehicle discharge at signalized intersections with non-lane based mixed traffic operations”
by Kinjal BHATTACHARYYA, BhaskarPAUL and BhargabMAITRA (Indian Institute of Technology of Kharagpur, India)[Best Paper Awards]

– For Enlightening Asia-specific Topics

“Study on Motorcycle Equivalent Unit in Urban Streets”
by Doan Thanh TAN (University of Transport and Communication, Vietnam), Tran Vu TU (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam) and Kazushi SANO (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan)

– For Discovering Interesting Facts

“A Study on Possibility of Introducing a Regular Bus System in Kandahar City, Afghanistan”
by Mohibullah RAHMAT, Shoshi MIZOKAMI and Akimasa FUJIWARA (Kumamoto University and Hiroshima University, Japan)

– For Technological Innovation
No candidate

– For Institutional Innovation
“Identifying management strategies for the improvement of urban bus services: An experience in Kolkata”
By Munavar Fairooz CHERANCHERY, Prashant PRASAD and Bhargab MAITRA (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India)

– For Theoretical Development

“Solving the combined modal split and traffic assignment model with captive mode users and overlapping routes”
by SeungkyuRYU, Anthony CHEN, GuangchaoWANG and  KeechooCHOI
(Ajou University, Korea; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong; Central China Normal University, China and Ajou University, Korea)

-For Methodological Development

“Estimating Inter-regional Travel Demand for Seasonal Variation by an Eigenvector Spatially Filtered Spatial Interaction Model: A Case Study in Japan”
by Canh Xuan DO and Makoto TSUKAI (Hiroshima University, Japan)

– For Best Application in Practices
“Impact of Development of the Orbital Expressway on Reduction of the Logistics Costs and the Regional Economy in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area”
by Tetsuji SATO and Makoto FUJIWARA (Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan)

– For Difficult Research Accumulations
No candidate

[OCDI Takeuchi Yoshio Special Award for Logistics Research]

“A simulation-based dispatching decision support system for disruptions management at intermodal freight terminals under multiple uncertainties”
by Cheng-Chieh(Frank) CHEN and Wu-Jui(Frank) CHANG (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan)

 BEST PAPERS AT THE CONFERENCE IN 2015 (CEBU, PHILIPPINES)[Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize] (Best of Best Paper Awards)

“Analysis of vulnerability in multinational retailing delivery service system: A case study of FamilyMart and Circle K ”
by Yu-Kai HUANG (Nanhua University, Taiwan) and Cheng-Min FENG (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)[Best Paper Awards]

– For Enlightening Asia-specific Topics
“State of the art of paratransit literatures in Asian developing countries”
by Veng Kheang PHUN and Tetsuo YAI (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

– For Discovering Interesting Facts
“Exploring trip fuel consumption by machine learning from GPS and CAN bus data”
by Weiliang ZENG, Tomio MIWA and Takayuki MORIKAWA (Nagoya University, Japan)

– For Technological Innovation
No candidate

– For Institutional Innovation
No candidate

– For Theoretical Development
“System partition method of urban arterials to improve signal coordination”
by Xiaojun TANG, Fengmin LAN ,Shengchuan ZHAO and Lihui ZHANG (Dalian University of Technology & Zhejiang University, China)

-For Methodological Development
“Dynamic journey time estimation in stochastic road networks with uncertainty”
by Qiong TANG, Xingang LI, William H.K. LAM and H.W. HO (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hengyang Normal University, Hong Kong and Beijing Jiaotong University, China)


“A similarity-based self-evolutionary model for railway passenger arrival forecasting”
by Tsung-Hsien TSAI (National Quemoy University, Taiwan)

– For Best Application in Practices
“Impact assessment model of international transportation infrastructure development: Focusing on trade and freight traffic in Central Asia”
by Satoshi TANABE, Ryuichi SHIBASAKI and Hironori KATO (The University of Tokyo, The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan)

– For Difficult Research Accumulations
No candidate

[OCDI Takeuchi Yoshio Special Award for Logistics Research]

“Motion-based energy analysis methodology for hybrid straddle carrier towards eco-friendly container handling system”
by Putu HANGGA and Takeshi SHINODA (Kyushu University, Japan)

The members of Awards Selection Subcommittee are Junyi ZHANG (Editor-in-chief, Japan), Mohd Sadullah, AHMAD FARHAN (malaysia), Jaisung CHOI (Korea), Alexander ERATH (Singapore), Tao FENG (Netherlands), Hironori KATO (Japan), Hussein S. LIDASAN (Philippines), Bhargab MAITRA (India), Qiang MENG (Singapore), Jing SHI (China), Wai Yuen SZETO (Hong Kong), Bagus Hario SETIADJI (Indonesia), Guohua SONG (China), Ofyar Zainuddin TAMIN (Indonesia), Louis Chien-Hung WEI (Taiwan), Makoto CHIKARAISHI (Japan) and Hajime SEYA (Japan).

 BEST PAPERS AT THE CONFERENCE IN 2013 (TAIPEI, TAIWAN)[Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize] (Best of Best Paper Awards)

“Design of Transportation Service Auction under Time-cost Environment”
by Suthatip PUEBOOBPAPHAN and Nakorn INDRA-PRAYOONG (Burapha University, Thailand)[Best Paper Awards]

– For Enlightening Asia-specific Topics
“A Study on the Use of Smartphones for Road Roughness Condition Estimation”
by Viengnam DOUANGPHACHANH and Hiroyuki ONEYAMA (Tokyo Metropoiltan University, Japan)

– For Discovering Interesting Facts
“Upward Safety Communication and Safety Behavior of Cabin Crew”
by Ching-Fu CHEN and Shu-Chuan CHEN (Aletheia University, Taiwan)

– For Technological Innovation
“A Numerical Study on the Influence of Aggregate Size on Skid Resistance Performance of Porous Pavements”
by Lei ZHANG, Ghim Ping ONG and Tien Fang FWA (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

– For Institutional Innovation
“Cross-sector Transportation Authority for Jakarta Metropolitan Area”
by Hirohisa KAWAGUCHI (Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd., Japan), Keigo HAMADA (Kobe City Urban Dev. Corp., Japan), Tomokazu WACHI (Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd., Japan), Osamu ABE (Value Planning International, Inc., Japan), Sadayuki YAGI (Japan Research Ins., Japan) and A. ALDIAN (The World Bank, Indonesia)

– For Theoretical Development
“Possibility of Crosswalk Design Independent from Signals at Basic Road Sections”
by Akihiro TANAKA and Kiichiro HATOYAMA (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

-For Methodological Development
“Analyses of Route Choice and Route Switching Behavior Using Panel ETC Data from Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway”
by Tawin TIRATANAPAKHOM, Takashi OGUCHI, Shinji TANAKA, Sungjoon HONG and Hiroshi WARITA (The University of Tokyo, Japan)


“Smile and Behavior – New Evaluation Method for Pedestrian Environment”
by Aya KOJIMA, Taichi FUDAMOTO, Miho OKUMA and Hisashi KUBOTA (Saitama University, Japan)

– For Difficult Research Accumulations
“Introducing High Speed Rail (HSR) System in Developing Asia: Issues and Prospects”
by Surya Raj ACHARYA and Shigeru MORICHI (Institute for Transport Policy Studies, Japan)

 BEST PAPERS AT THE CONFERENCE IN 2011 (JEJU, KOREA)[Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize]

“Development of Proposed Performance Grading System for Asphalt Binder Used in Thailand”
by Nattaporn CHAROENTHAM and Kunnawee KANITPONG[Best Paper Awards]

1. Best paper award for enlightening Asia-specific topics
“An Exploratory Study on the Feasibility of Electric Jeepneys as a Public Transport Mode”
by Jose Regin F. REGIDOR and Ma. Andreilyn M. ESPIRITU

2. Best paper award for discovering interesting facts
“Empirical Analysis on the Effect of Gross Vehicle Weight and Vehicle Size on Speed in Car Following Situation”
by Ahmad SAIFIZUL Abdullah, Mohamed Rehan KARIM, Hideo YAMANAKA and Masashi OKUSHIMA

“A Study on Influences of Long Tunnel Landscape Images on Driver Response through Virtual Driving Experiment”
by Joohee KIM, Soobeom LEE, Jiyeon HONG, Joonbum LIM, Byung Keum SONG and Wonchul KIM

3. Best paper award for technological innovation
Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize

4. Best paper award for institutional innovation

5. Best paper award for theoretical development
“Optimal Locations of License Plate Recognition to Enhance the Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation”
by Yu-Chiun CHIOU, Lawrence W. LAN, Chun-Ming TSENG and Chih-Chao FAN

“Optimization of Housing Allocation and Transport Emissions Using Continuum Modeling Approach”
by Jun YIN, S.C. WONG and N.N. SZE

6. Best paper award for methodological development
“Impact Analysis of Work Zone Configuration, Traffic Flow and Heavy Vehicle Percentage on Traffic Delay at Work Zones”
by Qiang MENG and Jinxian WENG

“Exact Solution for Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows and Dynamic Travel Time”
by Ali Gul QURESHI, Eiichi TANIGUCHI and Tadashi YAMADA

7. Best paper award for best application in practices
“Future Forecast of Trade Amount and International Cargo Flow in the APEC Region: An Application of Trade-Logistics Forecasting Model”
by Ryuichi SHIBASAKI and Tomihiro WATANABE

8. Best paper award for difficult research accumulations


“Estimating the Minimum Required Width of Signalized Crosswalks Considering Bi-directional Pedestrian Flow and Different Age Groups”
by Wael K.M. ALHAJYASEEN and Hideki NAKAMURA [Best Paper Awards]

1. Best paper award for enlightening Asia-specific topics
“Policy Evaluation of Multimodal Transportation Network, the Case of Inter Island Freight Transportation in Indonesia”
by Ade SJAFRUDDIN, Harun Al-Rasyid S. LUBIS, Russ Bona FRAZILA, and Dimas B. DHARMOWIJOYO

“The Estimated Effect of the Proposed Fx Megataxi Express Service on Mode-Changing Behavior in Metro Manila”
by Alexis M. FILLONE

2. Best paper award for technological innovation
“Resistance to Disintegration of Rubberized Porous Asphalt”
by Herda Yati KATMAN, Mohd. Rasdan IBRAHIM, Mohamed Rehan KARIM, Abdel Aziz MAHREZ

3. Best paper award for discovering interesting facts

“The Evaluation of Transportation Policies based on the Quality of Mobility Index by Capability approach”
by Youhei EITOKU, Shoshi MIZOKAMI

4. Best paper award for institutional innovation

“MOLTS: Multinational Operators for Local Transport Services”
by Takeru SHIBAYAMA and Hitoshi IEDA

5. Best paper award for theoretical development

“Queuing Pricings to Bulk Carriers at the Anchorage”
by Chen-Hsiu LAIH, and Pey-Yuan SUN

6. Best paper award for methodological development
“Level Crossing Modeling using Petri nets Approach and Π-Tools”
by Siti Zaharah ISHAK, Wen Long YUE and Sekhar SOMENAHALLI

7. Best paper award for best application in practices
“Monitoring Early Age Behavior in the Construction of Joint Plain Concrete Pavement”
by Hyung Bae KIM, Young Chan SUH, Sang Wuk PARK

“How Model Accuracy is Improved by Usage of Statistics? – An Example of International Freight Simulation Model in East Asia -”
by Ryuichi SHIBASAKI, Tomihiro WATANABE, Daishi ARAKI

8. Best paper award for difficult research accumulations

 BEST PAPERS AT THE CONFERENCE IN 2007 (DALIAN, CHINA)[Yasoshima Yoshinosuke Prize]

“Exploring Traffic Features with Stationary and Moving Bottlenecks Using Refined Cellular Automata”
by HSU Chih-Cheng, LIN Zih-Shin, CHIOU Yu-Chiun and LAN Lawrence [Best Paper Awards]

“A Train Service Planning Model with Dynamic Demand for Intercity Railway Systems”
by Jyh-Cherng JONG and Chian-Shan SUEN

“Dynamic Time Domain Back calculation of LTPP Test ites”
by Ming-Lou LIU, Jui-Chang CHUANG and Hsiao-Yuan LIAO

“A Design of Optimal Marshalling Yard Location Model Considering Rail Freight Hub Network Properties”
by LEE Jin su, CHON Kyung soo and KIM Dong kyu

“Development of Road Safety Estimation Method Based on Human Engineering”
by Lee Soobeom, Kim Jangwook and Lee Sooil

“Traffic Accident Costing for Thailand”

“Managing Motorization & Timing of Mass Rapid Transit in East Asian Megacities”
by Acharya Surya Raj

“Evaluating Sustainability of Urban Development in Developing Countries Incorporating Dynamic Cause-Effect Relationships over Time”
by Akimasa FUJIWARA, Junyi ZHANG, Backjin LEE and M.R.M. DA CRUZ [Best Paper Awards]

“Street Space Renaissance: A Spatio-Historical Survey of Two Asian Cities”
by Iderlina Mateo BABIANO and Hitoshi IEDA

“Impact of Road Pricing on the Network Reliability”
by K.S. CHAN and William H. K. LAM

“Equitable network design”
by Richard CONNORS, Agachai SUMALEE and David WATLING

“Evaluating Public Transit Congestion Mitigation Measures using a Passenger Assignment Model”
by Hiroshi SHIMAMOTO, Fumitaka KURAUCHI, Yasunori IIDA, Michael.G.H.BELL and Jan-Dirk SCHMOCKER

“Analysis of Policy and Regulation on Build-operate-transfer Scheme: A Case Study of the Banong-Kanchanaburi Motorway in Thailand”
by Kitti SUBPRASOM and Anthony CHEN

“A Study on Emergency Evacuation and Rescue Network Reconstruction for Natural Disasters with Multi-Class Users Travel Behavior Constraints”
by Chung-Yung WANG and Shou-Ren HU


“Visibility Assessment of Rear Lamps in Daytime Fog”
by Toru Hagiwara, Ken’etsu Uchida, Takeo Adachi, Seiichi Kagaya, Muraleethan Thmbiah and Ayako Mori [Best Paper Awards]

“Time-dependent Transport Network Design: A Study on Budget Sensitivity”
by Hong K. Lo and Wai Yuen Szeto, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

“Travel Time Reliability in a Network with Dependent Link Modes and Partial Driver Response”
by Agachai Sumalee and David Watling, University of Leeds

“Integrated Multi-Nodal Traffic Network Systems”
by Nikolaos Vogiatzis, Hideto Ikeda, Jeremy Woolley and Yu He, University of South Australia