EASTS & EASTS-Japan 20th Anniversary International Symposium

“Future of Transportation in Asia”

Under the auspice of
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, The Japan Society of Transportation Economics, Institution for Transport Policy Studies and Association for Planning and Transportation Studies

Sponsored by
East Japan Railway Company (JR East) and Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.

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>>> Pre-registration (closed)

Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) was founded in November 1994 as an umbrella organization of transportation science societies with the primary objectives of fostering and supporting excellence in transportation research and practice and stimulating professional interchange in all aspects and modes of transportation. The current number of member domestic societies is 18: Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Here, an international symposium titled “Future of Transportation in Asia” will be held as 20th anniversary event of EASTS.

You are welcomed to attend this symposium.

  • Date & Time: 24 October, 2014 (Friday), starting at 9:00am
  • Venue: Toyosu Campus of Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
  • Language: Simultaneous translation (English and Japanese)
  • RegistrationPre-registration required.
  • Participation Fee: [Symposium] Free if you are a member of EASTS or a student (your student ID is needed); JPY3,000 if others. [Reception] JPY3,000 per person.
  • Contact us: EASTS & EASTS-Japan 20th Anniversary Secretariat (Email: 20thanniversary[at]easts.info)


Program (as of Sep. 15, 2014)

  • Opening Address    [9:00-9:10]
    Cheng-Min Feng, President of EASTS, Professor, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
    Haruo Ishida, Representative of EASTS-Japan, Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Invited Speech    [9:10-9:55]
    Tetsuro Tomita, President and CEO of East Japan Railway Company, Japan
  • Special Speech    [9:55-10:20]
    Tetsuya Nishikura, Deputy Director General, Bureau of Urban Development,
    Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Japan
  • Break    [10:20-10:30]
  • The President’s Speech    [10:30-11:15]
    Cheng-Min Feng, President of EASTS, Professor, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
  • Session on Asian International Cooperation     [11:15-12:30]
    Peter Choong-Yeol Ye, Vice President for International Cooperation and Regional Studies,
    The Korea Transport Institute, Korea
    Shizuo Iwata, Chairman, ALMEC VPI Corporation, Japan
    Akira Nakamura, Director General, Infrastructure and Peacebuilding Department,
    Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan
  • Lunch Break    [12:30-13:30]
  • The Footprint -20 years of Asia and EASTS-    [13:30-13:50]
    Secretariat Office of EASTS
  • Session on Asian Transportation Research    [13:50-15:50]
    Agachai Sumalee, Associate Professor, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
    Qiang Meng, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    Akimasa Fujiwara, Chair of EASTS International Scientific Committee,
    Professor, Hiroshima University, Japan
  • Break    [15:50-16:00]
  • Comprehensive session on future transportation of Asia    [16:00-17:30]
    Tetsuo Yai, Secretary-General of EASTS, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
    Makio Shichijo, Senior Director, Overseas Project Division, Policy Bureau,
    Ministry of Land, infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan
    Haruya Koide, Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist, Office of Regional Economic Integration,
    Asian Delovepment Bank, Japan
    Hironori Kato, University of Tokyo, Japan
    Reynaldo B. Vea, Vice President of EASTS, President, Mapua Institute of Technology, Philippines
  • Closing    [17:30-17:35]
  • Reception    [18:00-20:00]

>>> Pre-registration (closed)