Volume 14 of Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS Journal) is now available online.

Dear EASTS members,

We are pleased to inform you that 2021 Volume 14 of Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS Journal) is now available online (https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/easts/-char/en). With more than 150 contributions, the 2021 Volume 14 EASTS Journal captures the state-of-art science and technology present in transport today and highlights the innovative way for the future.

Each paper included in the EASTS Journal is open-access and searchable. Therefore, we invite you to view and share!

However, papers in Category A and B are tentatively limited access because some papers in these categories need to adjust the Bibliographic information. It will also be open access very soon. We are sorry for the delay.

Best regards,

Yu-Chiun CHIOU

ISC Chairperson

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