Inside This Issue
As the world marches toward the year 2000, it is a great pleasure for us to have the opportunity to host the bi-annual EASTS Conference in Taipei in the Autumn of 1999.
Taiwan is a superbly attractive island with extraordinary cultural heritage. We have modern transportation facilities, magnificent scenery, delicious food, and, most of all, a large number of dedicated transportation researchers and practitioners.
There are also several major transportation infrastructure projects being implemented in Taiwan, including the 340-kilometer High Speed Rail Project, Railway Undergrounding Projects, First North-South Freeway Widening Project, Second North-South Freeway Project, Taipei-Ilan Freeway Project, East-West Expressway Projects, Asia Pacific Regional Air Transportation Center Program, Asia Pacific Regional Sea Transportation Center Program, and etc.
The High Speed Rail Project, with a price tag of around US$16 billion, is the largest BOT project in the world. The Asia Pacific Regional Air Transportation Center Program involves the development of an Aviation City and the construction of Terminal 2 at the CKS International Airport, which is scheduled for revenue operation in early 2000.
In Taipei, the Rapid Transit System continues to be expanded with several lines under construction concurrently. The Brown Line, a Matra VAL system, and the Red Line, a heavy metro system, are both in operation. The government has also recently awarded a BOT concession contract to a private consortium for a rapid transit line between the CKS Airport and Taipei City. Exclusive bus lane operation has become popular in Taipei city center in recent years, resulting in a comeback in bus ridership. Although emphasis of the city's transport policy is now on mass transit, the urban expressway system is also growing in coverage.
Your participation in the EASTS '99 Conference will undoubtedly benefit the local transportation profession as well as promote movement toward sustainable development of transportation infrastructure in Eastern Asia countries and areas. The past two successful conferences not only promoted interchange among academic circles, but also motivated all participating delegates from representing countries and areas to join forces in resolving transportation issues.
Please mark your calendar and earmark your books for this surely to be memorable trip.
I look forward to seeing you all in Taipei in 1999!
Thank you very much.
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The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) is planning the third international conference to be held on 15-17 September, 1999, in Taipei, Taiwan. Conference sessions are intended to cover policy, design, and operation of transportation in the Eastern Asia region.
EASTS was established on November 28, 1994. The objectives of the Society are to foster and support excellence in transportation research and practice and to stimulate the professional interchange in all aspects and modes of transportation.
Conference Theme
Sustainable Transport for the 21st Century
International Scientific Committee (ISC)
The International Scientific Committee of the EASTS is now calling for papers for the Conference. The committee highly expects to receive many abstract submissions from not only researchers but also practitioners in transportation related fields. In addition, papers in every field of study: economics, management, sociology, history, medicine, planning, engineering, other transportation related fields and their interdisciplines are most welcome. The following topics are just for example. The list is not at all exclusive. Good papers on your subjects are most welcome.
Selection of Papers
Those who wish to present at this conference are invited to send to the International Science Committee (ISC) of EASTS a text of about 400 words long with three or more key words outlining the subject and the main ideas of the proposed contribution. They are also required to indicate the name(s) of the author(s), his/her (their) affiliation(s), and one mailing address with telephone and fax (and/or E-Mail) numbers. All interested persons to participate and present their papers in this Conference should submit their abstract and (draft) full papers according to the specific deadlines. All papers must be written in English. The selection of final papers to be included in the Journal are based on the following criteria: papers must be written in English; papers should deal with transportation related topics; the innovative features of the analysis and experience will be an important criterion in judging the papers quality; and, the well organized practical information and/or statistics together with a practical policy/project application will be highly evaluated.
Abstracts, draft full papers, final full papers and any comments and suggestion should be sent to the following address:
General Information
Date: 15-17, September, 1999
Venue: The Grand Hotel, Taipei, TAIWAN, R.O.C Telephone: +886-2-25965565 Facsimile: +886-2-25948243 Address of Local Organizing Committee: Chinese Institute of Transportation c/o THI Consultant Inc. Telephone: +886-2-2704-4369 ext. 40 Facsimile: +886-2-2704-5116
Funding: Funding by the EASTS-Japan will be made available to a number of participants from the countries listed below. The recipients will be limited, however, to main authors of papers selected by the International Scientific Committee (ISC). This funding will include (1) cost of a round-trip economy class ticket plus a minimum amount for travel within the participants country; (2) accommodation for three nights at median class hotel; and (3) registration fee. The maximum number of recipients per country is ten. The countries included are China, Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia, Thailand , Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Myanmar.
Awarding: Several papers will be cited for excellence. The ISC will decide which papers to award during the conference and the citation will be given during the closing ceremony. Please note that for a paper to be given a citation, the main author must have had presented it during the conference proper.
Journal: The selected papers will be published in the Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies. This journal will be made available at and after the conference.
Visa: The ISC will do its best to complete the paper review process as quickly as possible for the authors from countries and areas where travel arrangement such as visa application takes long time. The authors are requested to clearly note Quick ReviewEwith the reason on the abstract sheet and the full paper. In addition, they are also requested to start writing and submit their draft full paper as early as possible without waiting a letter of acceptance of the abstract from the ISC.
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The 5th Board Meeting (BM) of the EASTS was held successfully on 30 May, 1998 at the University of Tokyo in Japan. The representatives from 10 countries/areas attended the BM.
The meeting started with opening remarks from Dr. In-Won Lee, First Vice-President, instead of Dr. Primitivo C. Cal who was not able to make it due to some very important business in his country.
The election of Second Vice-President was leas. Dr. Shigeru Morichi proposed Dr. Cheng-Min Feng to become the Second Vice-President to take over Mr. Chi-Kuo Maos position. There were no objections, and Mr. Cheng-Min Feng from Taiwan as elected as the Second Vice-President.
Mr. Yi John Sun reported on the plan for the 3rd Conference in 1999. He presented about the sponsoring organizations, date and venue, member of organizing committee, conference program, conference theme and conference activities. There were some comments on the number of sessions, panel discussions, announcement and keeping the minimum number of audience in each session room.
Mr. Kazuaki Miyamoto, chairman of the International Scientific Committee (ISC), reported the activities of the ISC. He reported the process of paper review. The deadlines for the submission of Abstracts, deadline for the submission of draft full papers, notification of acceptance of papers for presentation and submission of final full papers (please refer to page 2 in this newsletter).
He also announced that the ISC has established a web site ( and that the paper format can be downloaded from this homepage.
Dr. Morichi, Secretary-General of the EASTS, reported on the activities of the organization. Firstly, he announced the set up of the EASTS Web Site with the address: Secondly, he reported on the International Cooperative Research Activities (ICRA). The joint research conducted by Dr. Tamura, Dr. Yai and Dr. Fwa on air travel demand research and surveys were already done at Narita (Tokyo) and Ninoy Aquino (Manila) International Airports. Domestic societies presented on their membership and organization structures as well as activities.
After discussion of several topics related to the sponsorship of the EASTS and Signatories for the Minutes, the closing remarks were delivered by Dr. In-Won Lee, the First Vice-President of the EASTS.
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Activities of TSSM (MALAYSIA)
The 2nd Annual General Meeting of TSSM (Transportation Science Society of Malaysia) was held at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, August 1st, 1998. The election of new office bearers were conducted and those elected are as follows:
Activities of CTI (TAIWAN)
The Chinese Institute of Transportation, along with the National Taiwan University and the Taipei Municipal Government, sponsored the Symposium on Chinese-German Light Rail Transit Development Experiences on April 7, 1998, in Taipei. The Symposium was well attended and stimulated active discussion on issues related to the application of light rail transit technology in Taiwan.
The Institute also sponsored the 7th Intercollegiate Symposium on Transportation Studies on April 18, 1998. The Symposium was hosted by the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan. It was attended by faculty and students from 9 local universities and research papers were presented by candidates for master and doctorate degrees.
The Institute has been commissioned by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to draft the White Paper on Civil Aviation Policy. Two seminars on the subject were held in May and July with representatives from the academic, institutional, and industrial sectors.
The Institute will be sponsoring two more conferences in the latter half of 1998, including the Third Conference on Transportation Network to be held on October 17 at National Central University and the 13th Annual Meeting to be held on December 19 at the National Chiao Tung University.
3rd HKSTS Conference
The Third Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies will be held on 5 December, 1998 at the Sheraton Hotel in Hong Kong. The Conference is jointly organized by the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS) and the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Hong Kong.
The HKSTS aims to foster excellence in transportation research and practice, stimulate professional interchange in transportation, and provide a forum for interested parties to network with one another and exchange ideas on the latest developments in transportation. As a continuation of two successful HKSTS Conferences, the Third Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies provides a forum for researchers, planners and consultants to discuss problems, solutions and experiences in transportation research and practice.
So far, over 50 papers from 9 countries have been received for this one-day conference. We are expecting to have over one hundred participants to join the event. For more detailed and updated information about this conference, please access the world wide web site at
Your participation would definitely contribute towards making this conference a successful and fruitful event.
BOT Rail Project in TAIWAN
On the Taiwan high speed rail BOT project, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has signed a concession agreement with the privately-owned Taiwan High Speed Rail Company on July 23, 1998. Land acquisition along the main line is over 99% complete and construction is expected to begin in early 1999. The government has also signed an agreement with Chung Shen International Development Company on July 2, 1998, authorizing the formation of a BOT concession company for the CKS Airport to Taipei Rapid Transit Project.
On July 20, 1998, ITS-Taiwan was formally established. This new non-profit association is supported by both public and private sectors. It will actively promote the development and application of ITS technology in Taiwan.
Symposium on Public-Private Partnership
Symposium on Public-Private Partnership(PPP) in Asian Transportation Projects was held on May 29, 1998 in Tokyo. This Symposium was organized by the Japan National Committee for Civil Design Engineering, the Science Council of Japan and the EASTS in cooperation with some Japanese academic societies.
The EASTS Board Members presented the current situation and experience of PPP in their country/ area. Over 200 participants including government officials, consultants and academicians attended and they discussed about the way PPP should be carried out in the Asian region.
The EASTS Web Page was launched on June 1, 1998. You will be able to find information related to the activities of EASTS. Its address is Please visit the site!
Local News is Welcome!
The Office of Secretary-General would appreciate your submission of news related to EASTS domestic society's activities and on-going transportation project/ plan in the country/ area. Let's send any useful information for all to the Office of the Secretary-General, or +81-3-3221-5489(Fax).
The contents of upcoming Newsletter will be the detailed program for 3rd conference of the EASTS.
and By-Laws of the Society
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies International Scientific