EASTS IRG (International Research Group) |
IRG Code Name of IRG |
IRG-03-2005 Dynamics of Poly-centric Employment Formation in East and Southeast Asian Cities |
Status |
Completed in 2007 |
Representative Member |
Dr. Hayashi Yoshitsugu, Nagoya University |
Contact Person Email* |
Alpkokin Pelin, Nagoya University and Istanbul Technical University pelin[at]urban.env.nagoya-u.ac.jp |
Submitted Documents |
Web Page (External Website) |
Information from IRG |
Paper, Report and Book |
- Alpkokin, P., Black, J. and Hayashi, Y., 2008. Dynamics of clustered employment growth and its impacts on commuting patterns in rapidly developing cities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 42(3), 427-444.
- Doust, Ken (2008) gMetrics for Urban Sustainabilityh, PhD, University of New South Wales.
- Alpkokin, P., Black, J., Kato, H., and Vichiensan, V., 2007. Poly-centric employment formation in mega-cities: Analysis from APEC-TR collaborative research. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies 7, 1446-1459.
- Alpkokin, P., Kato, H., Black, Y., Hayashi, Y. (2007) Empirical model of firm location for clustered cities: The case of Istanbul, 11th World Conference on Transportation Research Society, Berkeley, USA, 24 ? 28 June (CD-ROM).
- Alpkokin, P., Komiyama, N., Takeshita, H. and Kato, H., 2007. Tokyo metropolitan area cluster employment formation in line with its extensive rail network. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies 7, 1403-1416.
- Bhandari, K., Alpkokin, P., Kachi, N., Peng, J., Kato, H. (2007) Dynamics of employment distribution and accessibility index: Case of Delhi. Forthoming, 36th Proceedings of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Conference, Hachinohe, Japan (CD Rom).
- Bhandari, K., Peng, J., Alpkokin, P. (2007) Policies, commuting patterns and accessibility in a non-monocentric city: case study of Delhi. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies 7, 192.
- Black, J. (2007) Spatial plans and policies to support poly-centric employment in Canberra. 7th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies, Dalian, China (paper submitted and fully accepted for Journal of EASTS, but withdrawn from Journal).
- Black, J., Cheung, C., Doust, K., Shabtay, O. (2007) Metrics of changes to major employment centres: analyses of spatial plans for Sydney 1948 ? 2031. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies 7, 1311-1325.
- Cheung, C., Black, J. (2007) Poly-centric employment location in Canberra: planning a home-work balance and the journey-to-work. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies 7, 197.
- Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies (EASTS), International Co-operative Research Activity (ICRA) IRG-03-2005, Asian Poly-centric Employment Collaborative Transport (APEC-TR) Final Report, October, 2007
- Klug, S., Alpkokin, P., Black, J. and Hayashi, Y., 2007. Current and historic policies for employment centers in metropolitan regions. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies 7, 1417-1432.
- Komiyama N. (2007) Analyzing Tokyo Metropolitan area growth by firm location and associated commute patterns. Undergraduate thesis, Nagoya University (in Japanese).
- Komiyama, N., Alpkokin, P., Takeshita, H., Kato, H., Hayashi, Y. (2007) Analyzing Tokyo Metropolitan area growth by firm location and associated commute patterns Coming 36th Proceedings of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Conference, Hachinohe, Japan (CD Rom, in Japanese).
- Masuya, Y., Tamura, T., Black, J., Saito, K. (2007) Dynamics of employment location specific preference functions in Sapporo from 1972 to 1994. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies 7, 128.
- Sutomo, H. (2007) Integrating highway and public transport network development towards a more compact city: A policy study on Jakarta. Presentation on ICRA-03 Special Session, 7th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies, Dalian, China.
- Vichiensan, V. (2007) Dynamics of urban structure in Bangkok based on employment cluster and commuting pattern. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies 7, 1559-1574.
- Vichiensan, V. (2007) Dynamics of employment agglomeration pattern and urban mobility: An empirical analysis in Bangkok from 1995 to 2005 paper submitted to 87th Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington, D.C., January, 2008.
- Alpkokin, P. (2006) Analyzing urban dynamics and business locations of poly-centric cities: A case study of Istanbul, Doctorate thesis, Nagoya University.
- Alpkokin, P., Kato, H. Shimizu, K. and Hayashi, Y. (2006) Business location model applicable to non mono-centric structure: The case of Istanbul. 34th Proceedings of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Conference, Kagawa, Japan (CD Rom, in Japanese).
- Black, J. (2006) Sustainable urban transport technologies and policies: A research perspective, Dialogues in Urban Planning, The Planning Research Centre at The University of Sydney, pp. 4 ? 20.
- Cheung, Charles (2006) gJourney to Work Stratified by Occupation/Industry: Implications for Sustainability Analysis and Trip Distribution Modelsh, PhD, University of New South Wales
- Alpkokin, P., Hayashi, Y., Black, J. and Gercek, H. (2005) Polycentric employment growth and impacts on urban commuting patterns: Case study of Istanbul. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 3835-3850
- Alpkokin, P., Kato, H., Hayashi, Y. and Shimizu, K. (2005) Analyzing urban dynamics in multi-centric cities. The case of Istanbul. Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 32nd Proceedings of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Conference, Hiroshima, Japan (CD Rom)
- Cheung, C., Black, J. (2005) Residential location-specific travel preferences in an intervening opportunities model: Transport assessment for urban release areas. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 3773-3788.
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