Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.1, No.2 (1995) - Management and Operations

Title Author(s) page
Energy and Environmental Challenges
A Diagnosis and Prescription System for Transport Related Environmental Problems in the Metropolitan Areas of Developing Countries Kazuaki MIYAMOTO, Hideo NAKAMURA, Katsusuke YAMAGUCHI ord Ryuichi KATO 413
Sustainability as a Critericn for Assessnsr of Transportation Projects Lal C. WADHWA 431
A Sustaimble Regiqral Emrrcrnic Grorrydr ard Transportatim Model Toshihiko MIYAGI and Shoji OKA 445
Policies and Improvement Measures of Road Environment in Japan Hirofumi OHNISHI 457
Application of an Expert System in the Multicriteria Environmental Sensitivity Evaluation of Urban Road Networks Pongrid KLUNGBOONKRONG and Michael A.P. Taylor 469
The Use of GPS and GIS in Environmental Inpact Assessment Rocco ZIT0 and Michel A. P. TAYLOR 487
Transportation Planning and Its Policy
Do Practices Correspond to Policies in Solving Bangkok Traffic Gridlock? Sarnart RATCHAPOLSTTE 499
An Irtrynred Public Transport Slstan for Bardurg (lNDONESIA) ofyar ZTAMIN 509
Cost Characteristics of Bus ardJeeprryTransport Systems in Metro Manila Josephine M. BAYAN, Olegtio G. VILLORA nd Hitoshii IEDA 529
Development and Susainability of Public Transportation in Southeast Asian Cities Shizuo IWATA 547
A Method for Designing Bus Routes Network and Presenting the Informations of Bus Routes Yoshinobu ZENTANI 565
Public Transport Planning Method for Bandung (lNDONESIA) ofyar ZTAMIN 573
Comparative Study on Drivers' Parking Place Choice Behavior in Pusan and Osaka Hun Yowng JUNG and Hiroshi TSUKAGUCHI 589
Transportation System Management
Car Ownership Demand and Trafic Congestion in Singapore's Restricted Zone Henry FAN 601
Co-ordination of Road Usage Charges in Hong Kong William HKLAM and RJ.YE 613
The Computerized Area Traffic Control System in Penang, Malaysia Toshihiko OYAMATSU 625
Traffic System Management Practice in Thailard : A Tale of Hat Yai City Pichai TANEERANON,QtaruunTANGPAI9LLKIJand SiigathAPIMTANA 645
Evaluation of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Measures in Seoul: A Case Study o61hs $tqggered Commuting Time Scheme Youngin KWON, Jaehak OH and Hwangbae KIM 655
Transportation Demand Mnagement (TDM) Though the Use of Advarrced Date Communications Systems Katsumune SUZUKI, Yoshikazu IMANISHI and Kazuyoshi TAGUCHI 667
Modal Choice Model between Car and Bus A Case Study of Thailand Jion-Shiuh CHEN, Koonion YAMPLOY and Vatanavongs RANAVARAIIA 681
Development of Simulation Model for High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane Operation on Express Highways in Korea Sigon KIM 697
Economic Appraisal of Poliry Altematives of Traspotation Management, A Case Sudy in Fukuoka City Toshinori NEMOTO 709
Land Use and Land Acquisition Problem
Issues ard krprorurur oflad Aoquisitiqr SWem for hblic Worls in Japan Masayoshi TANISHITA 719
Theoretical and Empirical Considerations on the Interactions Between Land-Use and Transport in the Metropolitan Areas of Southeast fuian Countries Kazuaki MIYAMOTO and Sathindra SATHYAPMSAD 729
An Approach to Prescribe for Urban Problems in Bangkok by Integrating Transport,Land Use and Environmental Policies Rugwn UDOMSRI and Kazuaki MIYAMOTO 745
Economic Devdopment and Flnancing Transpoftation Infiastucture
A Study on the Balance Between Economic Growth and Transportation Infrastructure Investrnent yoshitsugu HAYASHI, Koubm KIM, Talcruk OKUDA and Hirokazu KATO 759
The Surdy oftrc Darcloprrut of China's Curprdusirre Trarsportatim Systan Zhang XI and Liu Rengkui 773
International Comparison of Transport Conditions and Policies in Tokyo and Seoul : Using Time-Serial Data Jaehak OH, Youngin KWON and Atushi OGAWA 781
A Comprehensive Approach for Evaluating and Prioritizing Small Scale Road Investinent Project Keechoo CHOI,Iwon LEE,Surgbin CHO and Eujin OH 795
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