Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.1, No.1 (1995) - Transportation Infrastructures

Title Author(s) page
Awarded Papers
New Approach to Strong Wind Predicrion and Its Use for Railroad Safety Managernent Makoto SHIMAMURA 1
A Strdy m Uftan Resileuial llosity vs. Transport Energy Ccrsrrretiat Joht RROY,Leorey MARQUEZ and John BROTCHIE 11
The Development of Local Road System and the Rde of Foeign ait in Indarcsia Suyono Dikun 25
Driver's Travel Time Estimation by Shock Wave Method Kevin P. HWANG 39
Railway Ptanning and Engineering
Effects of the Openirg oftlrc Itvfaila-Dagryan Railroad Line on Central Luzon,1892-1939 Arturo G.CORPUZ 59
A Historical Study on the Development Process of Japanese Private Suburban Railways -The Contribution of Their Subsidiary Business and Public Support- Talatodri TAMEKUM otdYodtio IIANZIWA 73
TIre Etrods of Railuay Prirrdiztiur ar Ccrpet'tirc Performarce : A Case Stdy of lryarcseRailways Kiyoshi NAKAMURA and Furniitoshi MIZUTANI 85
When Do Railway Opemtors ftnrstTheirMcry in Capacity Development Project? Hitoshi IEDA and Toshiyuki OHSHITA 103
A Sudy on the Station Facilities ard its Function for Suuburban Railway Makoto ITOH,Seiji IWAKURA and Yoshiyuki OHSHITA 115
A Study on the Characteristics of Station with Intermodalization of Coal Railway Transport and Unloading Based on Coal Port System Groquan LI,Takeshi CHISHAKI and Wen-Chin HUANG 123
Mode Ctrainirg CtnioeAmlysis of High Speed Rail System and Its Feeder System Has, TIEN-PEN and Wang, CHUIHENG 139
Testirg of A Train Dspdcling Model Chi-Kang LEE and Wen-jin HSIEH 159
AiTort Planning and Operation
Ana|ysis of kilematbal Air Passenger Demand in the Pablic-East Asia Region Tetsuo YAI and Kazuyuki TAKADA 171
A Sinulaiqr Modd for Airpoft Gate Assignment Kevin P,HWANG 187
MaintenanceNeeds Assessnut of ,Airport Pavement by Neural Networks T.F. FWA, W.T. CHAN and C.T. LIM 203
Port Planning and Operation
Re-Inventing the Philippine Port Sector : Strategies for Commercialization and Privatization Rene S,SANTLAGO 215
An International Freight Flow, Analysis in Korea Jo-yeong GU otd Hajime INAMURA 235
Stackelberg Wquilibria Analysis of Container Cargo Behavior Katsuhiko KURODA and Zan YANG 249
A Study on the Container Port Planning by Using Cost Function with IND Based on M/Ek/N System Wen-Chih HUANG, Takeshii CHISHAKI and Guoquin LI 263
Highway Planning and Design Concept
Basic Study on Travel Time Measurernent using Automatic Vehicle Identification Systenrs in Connection with Traffic Flow Characteristics Yasuji MAKIGAMI, Yojiro MURAKAMI, Hitofumi TAKEUCHI and Kenshi SHIMIZU 277
The Advanced Traffic Management and Control System for the Second National Freeway in Taiwan Chi-Hong HO 293
Highway Capacity Manuals for Asian Condition Karl-BANG 303
The Estimation of Diverted Traffic Volume by Toll Appopriatin Sotgdntl PARKotdYualoOH 321
Empirical Analysis on the Traffic Behavior of Visitors in Scenic Area to Make Programs for EfEcient Use of Parking Facilities Mamoru NAGAI and Minoru MOTOHASHI 335
A Study cn Regixtal Difference Rocrcaixnl Destination Choice Behavior NalrisaOKAMOTO,TetsoYAl,Shigeru MORICHI and Toru NISHIMURA 351
Road Maintenance and Management
Utilization of SHRP Binder Devices to Inprove Pavement Perfornrarrce for Eastern Asian Countries Jion-Shiuh CHEN 361
How can Tednique be Trarsferred at Road Construction Sites ? Alexis M. FILLONE,Atsushi FUKUDA and Audie RUMAYAR 371
Highway Engineerring Quality Assessmant Based on Grey Systern Theory Hu CHANGSHUN and Wang BINGGANG 385
Development of Pavement Management in a Major City - The Hong Kong Eeperience Frenderick T.TEAGUE and Kim R. HOWARD 393
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