(Updated on August 7th, 2007)
Dear EASTS Regular members;
We are very glad to announce that the Conference Committee (CC) has just started the registration of the EASTS Dalian Conference which will be held in September 24-27.
Also, the CC has just released the preliminary program (PP) of the conference. You can download it from the front page of the CC website (https://easts07.dlmu.edu.cn/) by clicking [Please down load the Preliminary Program for your reference].
Otherwise, you can directly click https://easts07.dlmu.edu.cn/PreliminaryProgram_EASTS07.pdf. Please note that the file size is big (about 6 megabyte).
There are two ways of registering your participation in the conference.
(1) Registration by the online application When you visit the website of the CC website (https://easts07.dlmu.edu.cn/), you can see the button titled [Registration] on the left side. Otherwise, you can directly visit the registration website by inputting the address (https://easts07.dlmu.edu.cn/Registion.htm). You can input here your registration information. You may set your mind at ease because the website is secure by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
If you finish your registration via online, you can confirm the status of your registration by visiting the confirmation site
(https://easts07.dlmu.edu.cn/login.htm) by inputting your login name and password. You can also visit the site by tracing the CC website ([TOP] -> [Registration] -> [You can check your registration situation if you have done the registration here]).
(2) Registration by the FAX
You can find the application form on the second last page of the PP. After printing it out and filling your information, please send it by FAX to the Conference Committee. As shown in the last page of the PP, the contact address and the FAX number of the CC is as follows:
Professor Yang Zhong Zhen
EASTS Conference, C/O Conference Secretariat
Dalian Maritime University
#1 Linghai Road, Dalian 116026, China
FAX: +86 411 8472 7395
Please note that the deadline of the early registration is August 20th.
If you have any question about the registration, please ask directly to Professor Yang Zhong Zhen, Secretary General of the Conference Committee, Dalian Maritime University. His email address is
Also, if you have any question about VISA issues, please send the email to Ms. Xiangqin WANG of CCTA, who is responsible for the Visa issues. Her email address is mailto:iltchina@126.com and the phone number is
Very truly yours,
Secretariat Office of EASTS,