On 26 September 2016.
Dear all EASTS members,
At the EASTS board meeting held in Ho Chi Min on September 12, 2016, it was
approved that I would pass the chair of EASTS-ISC after spending 5 years
succeeding Prof. Ieda. And I handed it over to Dr. Jaehak OH. I would like
to deeply appreciate the continuing cooperation and support of you and all
ISC members.
Dr. OH is now the vice president of the Korea Transport Institute, has long
enough career as an academic and practical researcher. He has already
formed a team consists of capable members, and had a hand-over meeting with
the former ISC secretariats. I am sure that the new team will work more
actively and achieve unsolved works under his strong leadership.
During the last 5 years, with the voluntary and dedicated contributions of
ISC members, we made effort as follows:
- introduced the new category of reviewed paper and non-reviewed paper, in
order to extend the field of EASTS from academic as well as practical
members and to simplify the whole review process for paper screening,
- established a new paper award entitled "OCDI Takeuchi Yoshio Special
Award" with the sponsorship of the Overseas Coastal Area Development
Institute of Japan,
- called for special issues of ATS (Asian Transport Studies) to open
general editors over the world, and besides, to give general authors more
opportunities to submit papers,
Lastly but not least I would like to ask you all to share my deepest
appreciation to the uncountable contribution of Prof. Toshiyuki Okamura,
Tetsuo Shimizu, Makoto Tsukai, Junyi Zhang and Kiichiro Hatoyama, who
worked with me as the members of ISC secretariat. I could not realized the
above achievements without their completely unselfish efforts.
There still remain unsolved issues. In particular, the qualifying and
disseminating ATS journal with a science citation index is in high demand
across EASTS members. I would like to do what one can for the most urgent
issue with Prof. Tetsuo Yai, the EASTS president, Dr. Jaehak Oh, the ISC
chair and the new ISC members.
Thank you very much again,
Akimasa Fujiwara, Dr.
Professor, IDEC, Hiroshima Univ.