International symposium, titled as gHigh Speed Railway in the Asia and Urban Development around Station Areas -International Comparison Study-g, was successfully held in Tokyo on July 4th, 2014.
About 180 participants from national and foreign governments; public organizations related to international cooperation and infrastructure; private companies related to railway operation, consultant, and constructions; universities and research institutes had attended this event.
The program of the symposium is on the EASTS news on June 6, 2014.
Presentation files are as below;
- "HSR Impacts and Station Area Development: Outline of Research" by Dr. Jaehak Oh, [Project Leader], Korea Transport Institute, Korea
- "High Speed Railway in Japan and Urban Development around the Stations" by Prof. Shigeru Morichi, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan
- Keynote Lecture, "The Project on the Development around Shinkansen Stations" by Mr. Masanori Tanaka, President, Japan International Consultants for Transportation Co., Ltd.
- "Ten Years of KTX Operation: Impacts and Station Area Development" by Dr. Jaehak Oh, Korea Transport Institute, Korea
- "Present Conditions on High Speed Rail Construction, Operation, and Station Area Development in Taiwan" by Prof. Jen-Jia Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- "Comparison on High Speed Rail in Japan, Korea and Taiwan" by Prof. Shintaro Terabe, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
- Comments and Discussions, "I want to sayc" by Prof. Sigon Kim, Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Korea
- "Comments and Discussions" by Prof. Cheng-Min Feng, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
When you cite information from these slides in your works, please include author, title of presentation, name, date and place of symposium, and web address (complete URL) in your reference section, e.g.;
Jaehak Oh. HSR Impacts and Station Area Development: Outline of Research, in International Symposium on High Speed Railway in the Asia and Urban Development around Station Areas -International Comparison Study-, EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies), July 4th, 2014, Tokyo,
The final research report of this EASTS-SRP (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies - Special Research Project), that is funded by KOTI (The Korea Transport Institute), will be available at the 11th EASTS conference (Cebu, Philippines) in 2015.
(reported by Shintaro TERABE, Jul. 9, 2014)