Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Seminar on Theory and Application of Pedestrian Travel Culture

Dear EASTS Members, (2 April 2012)

Please be advised that a seminar, organized by EASTS IRG-05-2005, will be held on April 10th 2012 in Lao PDR as following.

Best regards,
EASTS Secretariat

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Seminar on Theory and Application of Pedestrian Travel Culture

Walking is a vital transport mode and plays an indispensable role in a sustainable society. Development of attractive and functional public space consistent with natural tendencies of the community requires an understanding of relevant attributes of the local culture and the range of applicable planning concepts. This IRG is ambitious in its aim to attempt to supplement the research and planning community with guidelines specific to different East Asian cities to improve socio-cultural acceptance of urban change. In order to develop a planning philosophy that is sympathetic to inclusion of cultural attributes, this IRG seminar is proposed to be held to publicize the underlying concepts, methodological elements to researchers, students and practitioners. This seminar is the third seminar conducted by the IRG-05-2005, after the first seminar held in Tainan, Taiwan in 2008, and the second seminar in Busan, Korea in 2010.

Date: Tuesday, April 10th, 2012
Venue: Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao PDR
Organized by IRG-05-2005@Culturally sensitive pedestrian-centric philosophy@to advancement of urban form in East Asia

8:00 - 8:30

9:00 - 9:15
Opening address: Mr. Viengsavath Siphandone, the Director General, Department of Transport, Ministry of Public Works

8:45 - 12:00
Part 1 Pedestrian Travel Culture
1. Purpose and Mission of the IRG and Past Activities
-Dr. Upali Vandebona, University of New South Wales, Australia
2. Greeting from oversea visitors
-Prof. Pongrid Klungboonkrong, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
3. Concept of Pedestrian Travel Culture and Methodology
-Prof. Hiroshi Tsukaguchi, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
4. Overview of Comparison of Awareness and Attitude toward Walking
-Mr. Yoshiyuki Tajima, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
5. Effect of the Stage of Life and Lifestyle on Pedestrian Awareness and Attitude toward Walking
-Prof. Hiroshi Tsukaguchi
6. Road Safety Issues in Laos
-Mr. Somnuk Mektakul, Department of Transport / Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao PDR

13:00 - 14:30
Continuation of Part 1 Pedestrian Travel Culture
7. Corresponding Characteristics of Pedestrian awareness and attitudes in Taiwan
-Mr. Hao-Ching Hsia, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
8. Korean Experience
-Prof. Hun-Young Jung, Pusan National University, South Korea
9. Application of Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Facility Improvement at Khon Kaen University
-Prof. Pongrid Klungboonkrong, Khon Kaen University, Thailand 10. Future view of the International Research Group (IRG)
-Dr. Upali Vandebona

14:50 - 15:50
Part 2 Panel Discussion on Pedestrian Travel Culture
Moderator: Dr. Upali Vandebona
Panel: Dr. Bounleam Sisoulth (Board of Directors, EASTS)
Prof. Pongrid Klungboonkrong
Prof. Hiroshi Tsukaguchi
Prof. Hun-Young Jung
Mr. Hao-Ching Hsia
Mr. Somnuk Mektakul
Mr. Lamphoun Kounpakdy
Mr. Phoumy Thanthaboun

15:50 - 16:00
Seminar closing: Dr. Upali Vandebona, University of New South Wales, Australia
Mr. Viengsavath Siphandone, Department of Transport, Ministry of Public Works, Laos


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