Dear EASTS members (11 Nov. 2010)
Announcement of the Seminar on Theory and Application of Pedestrian Travel Culture at Pusan National University, South Korea.
The IRG-05 of the EASTS has organized a seminar on the theme of eTheory and Application of Pedestrian Culturef at the Pusan National University in Pusan, South Korea on Friday, December 3rd, 2010 to report and discuss recent findings of the international collaborative research team. The one day seminar will provide an overview of the pedestrian travel culture research framework and focus on the impact of gender, stage of life and life style on pedestrian attitudes. The seminar is scheduled to provide separate country presentations covering findings from surveys conducted in different cities in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. Methodological aspects and results from comparison of the pedestrian culture among different countries will be also presented.
The international research group IRG-05 is formed to collaborate with researchers in the field of pedestrian behavior in member countries of EASTS to analyze and disseminate the cultural elements of pedestrian behavior with the view of developing meaningful planning guidelines.
Please contact Professor Hiroshi Tsukaguchi (tsukaguc[at] or Dr Upali Vandebona (u.vandebona[at] for more information including the preliminary program.