Extention of Deadline of recruiting new members of ISC, EASTS
The deadline has been extended to the end of March.
Recruiting subcommittee will mostly welcome further applications.
ISC-EASTS Chairman's Message 06-005;
gAnnouncing the Recruitment of New ISC Members", 30.01.06.
Dear all EASTS members:
WRT: Recruiting New ISC Members
From Hitoshi Ieda, the chairman of EASTS-ISC, Professor at the University of Tokyo
As being noticed in eStrategies 2007 of EASTS-ISCf opened on January 5th
(found in HP of EASTS), ISC would like to recruit approximately 30 new
members who might shoulder the future of the EASTS, in order to cope with
the increasing jobs as well as to enrich the composition of human resources
in age, in field, and in gender. I suggest you to apply for the recruitment
yourself if you hope, or to encourage your younger colleagues to apply. The
application guideline will soon be announced on HP of EASTS. Feel free to
contact us, chairman of ISC recruitment sub-committee; Dr.Ricardo Sigua
(University of the Philippines):rsigua@mozcom.com, or ISC staff-officer in
charge of recruitment; Dr.Hisashi Kubota (Saitama University):
Time schedule will be as follows:
- Announcing the recruitment: February 10th, 2006
- Deadline of Application: March 10th, 2006 -> March 31th, 2006 (Extended)
- Announcing the results: April 10th, 2006