- Membership
- Research Support
- Journal
- Communication
How can I become a member of EASTS?
You may ask your Domestic Society so as to become a member. The EASTS has domestic societies which belong to each Asian country/region. The EASTS will approve the membership after each domestic society submits its member list. In case you cannot find any appropriate Domestic Society for you (ex. living in outside EASTS countries), you may apply for an individual membership. The application form is available from our web page.
How many members do the EASTS have?
Current information about the EASTS are available at our fact pages.
[Research Support]
- IRG (International Research Group)
What is EASTS IRG?
The EASTS Board in its meeting during Bangkok Conference, launched the international research group (IRG) scheme. Several international cooperative research projects are being conducted as an IRG approved by EASTS due to the increasing importance of international viewpoints in the transportation field. For detail, please see What is EAST IRG
How can I start/join an EASTS IRG?
Please see Application for a New IRG.
- ICRA (International Cooperative Research Activity)
What is ICRA?
ICRA is a research grant that the EASTS offers to a group of researchers. For detail, please see Basic information of ICRA
How can I get the ICRA?
Please see ICRA.
[Financial Support]
Does EASTS provide any financial support?
Please check the Call for Papers of EACH conference.
How can I submit a paper to the Asian Transport Studies (ATS)?
All peer reviewed paper included in the Asian Transport Studies (ATS) has to be submitted as a conference paper. Some of the papers presented in the conference will be nominated to be included in our journal.
How can I submit a paper to the Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies?
All peer reviewed paper included in the Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies has to be submitted as a conference paper. The conference is held in by-annual basis. Some of the papers presented in the conference will be nominated to be included in our journal.
How can I submit a paper to the Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies?
Please check the Call for Papers of each conference.
Can I access to the EASTS papers?
You may access to the online journals.
How can I know the latest information of the EASTS?
You can get EASTS announcements via email. For detail information to EASTS ML.
If you have any other questions, please ask easts[at]easts.info.
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